Brother Worth
• tidesage | frostflower | stormy •

art by salmakiis

art by meggoart

art by kentret_
• the measure of a man •

art by fawksess
First inspection of Worth Taggin would show a roughly average tidesage, robed and cowled, standing on the sidelines or performing his duties. Scrolled shoulders give glimpses of inscriptions, prayers, and tidal maps indicating a wavespeaker. Upon his rope belt, an Abyssal Beacon is tied with a cord, the lantern usually unlit until in use. Near it a Dead Ringer dangles on its own cord, giving faintly muffled clinks. On the other side a sheathed sword seems almost incongruous to the tidesage's mild demeanor, as the hilt indicates that it's the blade of a naval officer rather than an instrument of elemental force.Underneath the hood is a meek and worried face, somewhere in his thirties with a curved nose and expressive brown eyes. Dark, curling hair holds premature greying streaks at the temples, and a finely-groomed mustache rests above what can be a goatee or very fine beard depending on his mood. Worth's face is as open as the sky, lighting up or changing instantly as he reacts with his typical blend of concern and enthusiasm.Being a late bloomer or shy scholar would not stop Worth from finding adventure and wonder on the horizon. He's been dumped into adventures from horrific to noteworthy, exploring corruption and morality along with themes of inheritance and power. Nor has he been alone on these quests.Ultimately, Worth only wants to be a normal man, secure in his work and in control of himself. He wishes to show proper respect to the seas that grant him the ability to move them, and to live up to the expectations of those he cares about.
Faygia Taggin (Family)
Xue Winterpaw (Friend)
Esme Clarke (Partner)

art by meggoart
The Storm's Wake
Proudmoore Admiralty
The Anne-Marie


Sage Tools
Wavespeaker's Mantle
Dead Ringer
Tidal Kris
Abyssal Beacon
Proudmoore Officer's Saber
Atlas Obscura
Special Items
Frozen Elemental Core
Raven Plush
Boralus Back-Alley Gang Knife
Knife with Gilnean crest, 22nd KC on tang
Lemon Candies
• the mind behind the muse •
I've been writing creatively for as long as I can remember, and have a long love for creating characters and storylines. When I write, I like to tie in themes and motifs, pulling from the past to help a character define or overcome important moments. All of the moments in a story are meaningful to me, from high-stakes action to quiet rest.I don't have a favorite type of plot and can explore all types, including horror and romance, but my writing does tend to be mature as it involves adult topics and mindsets.
Writing Samples
(Not Worth-Centric)
Worldbuilding | galespring
In-Character | threshold
In-Character | someone you'd admire
In-Character | beneath the tidesblood
In-Character | stranding shield
In-Character | carpe cuprum

art by me
• all rivers find the ocean •
One thing I like to do in my spare time is write storylines for myself and friends to go through. Worth is typically involved in these campaigns, which tend to be tidesage-centric due to our shared interests.All Rivers Find the Ocean (ARFO) is my current campaign, hosting seven players, focusing on Stormsong Valley and Kul Tiras in mainline World of Warcraft. It's centered around politics, mystery, and inheritance, though it also delves into other themes and focuses primarily on character development. It's currently been going on for about a year.
A call has come from Lord Brannon Stormsong, searching for willing individuals to assist him in various problems threatening his reign over Stormsong Valley! Concerted pirate attacks have left the economy on shaky ground, but the real threat comes from three challengers to his reign. These three candidates claim to family by blood and tidesages by power, more suitable to running the Valley as well as the Shrine of the Storm.While thrown into diplomacy and wading into lies and secrets, one thing has been made clear to our party... something more sinister lurks beneath the surface. Strings are being pulled and not everyone is who they say are, and the group needs all the allies they can muster to pick apart this tangled web.
Notes on Tidesaging, Religion, and the Shrine of the Storm
Stormsong Valley History and Culture
Notes on the History of Lord Stormsong
A Primer on Depthsbringing: Theory and Practice
All NPCs Spreadsheet
Character Combat Sheet
All artwork below is by @meggoart. Thank you for your amazing work!
• plot and connections •
Fellow Tidesages, Current, Former, or Renegade
Any brethren of the Tidemother is welcome to speak with Worth, no matter how they choose to follow the call. Perhaps they recognize him from the Shrine of the Storm or out on duty.Kul Tiran Background
Kul Tirans and those who've been there know a tidesage when they see one, and this is absolutely your average tidesage. He's available for blessings, ceremonies, and short outings, though he's already assigned to a ship.Shamanism and Elemental-Inclined
The energy of the sea flows freely around Worth, who always keeps one ear out for the whispers of the water. Those who can hear the elements will find a fellow comrade. He's found kindred with shamans in the past.Void-Aligned
Worth is a known associate of his sister, Faygia Taggin, who is a cultist of N'zoth. How much of that has bled between the siblings is unknown, though any Void-users might have an interesting encounter.

art by meggoart
Out of Character
• underneath the surface •
I like to play a wide variety of characters though Worth is my main one.
He's got a lot of development and backstory; feel free to do some digging!As a neurodivergent and queer person, I like to look for other people with similar outlooks to write alongside. I'm fine with anything from short-term to long-term roleplaying, and I prefer short paragraphs to multi-paragraph work though I'm flexible. Whenever I write with someone, I expect and offer clear communication, consideration, and boundaries to ensure there aren't any hard feelings. We're crafting a story together, so let's be kind to each other.
18+ years of age
Roleplaying an Adult Character
LGBTQ+ Friendly Behavior
Good Characterization
Being Considerate
Refusing to Communicate
Unnecessary Rudeness
Disrespecting Boundaries
Creepy Behavior
Flirting OOC
Check out some writing samples...

art by meggoart